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leper colony造句

"leper colony"是什么意思  
  • To take holy orders and work in a leper colony
  • Yes ? - father serafim from the leper colony is here
  • 83 love in action god s love descends upon a leper colony
  • Out in the country , near cities , even once next to a leper colony
  • Out in the country , near cities , even once next to a leper colony . .
    去郊外,到城市附近,有一次甚至在麻疯病隔离区旁边. .
  • Out in the country , near cities , even once next to a leper colony . .
    去郊外,到城市附近,有一次甚至在麻疯病隔离区旁边. .
  • Through master s loving care , the residents of the culion leper colony are now much happier and have less to worry about in the future
  • Love in action one sunday in september 2001 , the supreme master ching hai international association s los angeles center received a letter from mr . venicio albano , director of the culion leper colony in the philippines , requesting financial assistance
    2001年9月的某个星期天,清海无上师世界会洛杉矶小中心收到一封由菲律宾卡力昂麻疯村culion leper colony村长寄来的请求经济援助的信函。
  • In the 3rd century bc , manetho , a hellenistic egyptian chronicler and priest , alleged that moses was not a jew , but an egyptian renegade priest , called osarseph , and portrayed the exodus as the expulsion of a leper colony
  • It's difficult to see leper colony in a sentence. 用leper colony造句挺难的
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